Saturday, February 23, 2013

Monterey Chicken Recipe

We eat mainly chicken and pork around here! I am always looking for good chicken recipes that we will all like. I found a few Monterey Chicken recipes when I searched for ww ones, but none that I really liked! So I took one that wasn't ww and made it one! I am sure that everyone has a Monterey Chicken recipe! The one thing that I love about mine is that I marinate the chicken before cooking, just to give it a little more flavor! The best part is that this chicken is only 5 points plus!!! That is my kind of dinner....yummy and low in points so I can have potatoes or rice with it!!!

Here are the ingredients:
This is for 1 serving, double, triple or quadruple it for however many people you are serving!

3-4 oz Chicken (I used tenders tonight)
teriyaki marinade
1 tablespoon BBQ sauce
2 tablespoons cheese (I use either mozzarella or Colby jack)
1 slice crisp bacon
diced tomato (I cannot stand plain tomatoes, so I didn't use them!)

1. Start by marinating the chicken for a few hours or longer if you want more flavor. I just want a hint of flavor, so I throw it in for about 2-5 hours

2.Discard marinade and cook chicken at 350 degrees for 20 or so minutes, until the chicken is done.

3. Top chicken with BBQ sauce

4. then bacon

5. then cheese

6. then put it back in the oven to melt the cheese. Add the tomatoes after cheese melts, if using them.

Doesn't it look so yummy?! The best part is you can tailor it to everyone wants. My son doesn't like any toppings, so he just gets the plain marinated chicken. My daughter only want the cheese on top. So everyone is happy! Tonight I served it with mashed potatoes and green beans!

Sunday, February 17, 2013

In the Begining.....

Ok, so this is my first post! I guess I will start with a little background and why I am on this journey. I was always skinny, as a child, in high school and then came college! I slowly gained weight. And gained weight. And gained weight! Next thing I knew I had 3 kids and weighed 209 pounds! YIKES! I have always put my kids and husband first. Being a military wife is very rewarding. I have a husband that gives everything for others and our country. But it can also be a struggle, as I am often the mom and dad. With 4 moves in 9 years, having to make new friends, saying see you later to old friends, I turned to food! I have always loved to cook, so it was easy to just cook and eat and eat! It was easy! Add to it 5 pregnancies and 3 kids later, and well, it's not a pretty sight!

Now we are at a turning point in our lives....a big one! My husband is retiring from the Military! Hello Civilian world! I have decided that since we have big family changes, now is the prefect time for me to make some "me" changes too! My Husband left for a 6 week underway 5 weeks ago, and I decided that was the prefect time. So I joined weight watchers. And I put everything I had into me, and doing what I needed to do! Now, 5 weeks later, I am 15 pounds lighter and 2 pant sizes smaller!! I still have a long way to go, but I am getting the hang of it and it is not as hard as I thought it would be!

So I hope you all enjoy this blog. I will be posting some of my favorite healthy recipes, tips I learn along the way, my ups and my downs! So join me as I become the Me I want to be! And maybe you will become the You that you want to be!