Sunday, February 17, 2013

In the Begining.....

Ok, so this is my first post! I guess I will start with a little background and why I am on this journey. I was always skinny, as a child, in high school and then came college! I slowly gained weight. And gained weight. And gained weight! Next thing I knew I had 3 kids and weighed 209 pounds! YIKES! I have always put my kids and husband first. Being a military wife is very rewarding. I have a husband that gives everything for others and our country. But it can also be a struggle, as I am often the mom and dad. With 4 moves in 9 years, having to make new friends, saying see you later to old friends, I turned to food! I have always loved to cook, so it was easy to just cook and eat and eat! It was easy! Add to it 5 pregnancies and 3 kids later, and well, it's not a pretty sight!

Now we are at a turning point in our lives....a big one! My husband is retiring from the Military! Hello Civilian world! I have decided that since we have big family changes, now is the prefect time for me to make some "me" changes too! My Husband left for a 6 week underway 5 weeks ago, and I decided that was the prefect time. So I joined weight watchers. And I put everything I had into me, and doing what I needed to do! Now, 5 weeks later, I am 15 pounds lighter and 2 pant sizes smaller!! I still have a long way to go, but I am getting the hang of it and it is not as hard as I thought it would be!

So I hope you all enjoy this blog. I will be posting some of my favorite healthy recipes, tips I learn along the way, my ups and my downs! So join me as I become the Me I want to be! And maybe you will become the You that you want to be!

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